Monday, November 7, 2011

Have you ever wanted blue eyes?

Do you have brown eyes and have wanted blue eyes?  A doctor in California came up with a procedure that only take 20 seconds to give you those blue eyes you have always wanted.  The process is irreversible and does not happen immediately.  How does this procedure work?  The procedure works by extracting the melanin from the iris.  Melanin is the dark pigmentation that gives color to the skin, hair and eyes.  The more the melanin the darker it is going to be.  For blue eyes the melanin is found beneath the iris and that is why it is lighter colored.  Well once the melanin is removed it takes about 2 to 3 weeks for the blue to replace the area that the melanin once was.  This is what makes the procedure irreversible and does not damage the vision.  The procedure has taken 10 years for the doctor and the procedure costs five thousand dollars.

 posted by Michelle Christensen


  1. Michelle Christiansen

    Sorry I forgot to place my name on it, I am so used to the discussion boards.

  2. Wonderful post! What happened to being unique and remaining authentic?

  3. When we were talking about what people find attractive last week, I think a quality that many people find attractive are light eyes. Many people spend hundreds of dollars a year on colored contacts even if they buy them for cosmetic reasons and not for correcting. People always are trying alter things about themselves to appear more attractive. They change the color of their hair, they tan their skin, they get plastic surgery. This is all to create the "perfect version" of themselves. What is interesting about this procedure is that not everyone is going to have the same type of blue, during the consultation they will show you what blue is going to be behind the melanin and see if you want to go on with the procedure.
